Sunday, September 13, 2009

and then i made

lemon and garlic fava beans with shaved manchego
it's kind of weird to admit this,
but fava beans were
non-existent in my life,
until this year.

i don't know why or how
that happened,
but this spring,
they were everywhere -
as i'm sure they've probably
been every spring -
and somehow, i spotted
this recipe, and so began
my extreme approval
and interest in fava beans.

somewhat similar to edamame,
but larger, softer and
boasting a much
greener flavor,
these beans are easily adaptable to
tons of recipes and flavor

but, unlike other things,
i like these simple
so that you can really enjoy
the fruits of your labor.
fava beans, out of their pods
(i might as well tell you,
fresh fava beans are
not for fast meals.
if you, like me,
have never peered inside
a fava bean before,
it may feel like a
mysterious process: once
you shuck the outer pod from
each shell, you then must also
remove the second skin that
clings to each bean.
it's called,
double peeling.)

so - simple.
after finding ridiculously huge
fava beans at the market,
i knew that i would have enough
to support and star in
a dish for two.
lo and behold,
once shelled, we had
the perfect amount.

this recipe,
by bobby flay,
recommends blanching the
beans once removed from their
pods, making it easier to remove
the second skin.
he, of course, was right.
with this method, they just pop
right out.
twice-shelled fava bean
i prepared them ahead of time
and then waited until about 10
minutes before dinner to toss
them with the fast vinaigrette.

and garlic
make for a very fresh salad,
shaving manchego on top
makes the otherwise
simple dish, memorable.
just make sure you pick
up a manchego worthy
of the fava beans - i'm not
sure that i did, this time around.

i know that i'm pushing it -
finding fava beans at the store
right now would be a
(somewhat scary) miracle -
but if you do come across
the pods, count your blessings,
grab a large bunch
and make this salad.
extra large fava beans
lemon and garlic fava beans with manchego
adapted from bobby flay
i halved the recipe, which is how i wrote it here, but it is obviously, very easy to double. i liked the lemony side, so i only used one tablespoon of olive oil (instead of two). as usual, i left off the tablespoon of chopped flatleaf parsley, but it would absolutely add a nice green.

2 pounds fava beans (about 2 cups shucked beans)
1 lemon, juiced (about 2 tablespoons)
2 cloves garlic, finely chopped
kosher salt
cracked black pepper
1 tablespoon olive oil
2 ounces manchego cheese, thinly shaved

shuck beans. fill large bowl with ice water; set aside. in large saucepot bring water to a boil; salt well. add beans and cook 3 minutes, or until tender. immediately plunge beans into ice water to cool. drain water; remove beans from outer skin.

in medium bowl, combine lemon juice, garlic and add salt and pepper, to taste. drizzle in olive oil, whisking constantly. add beans; gently toss to coat. top with manchego cheese.

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